Final Optical Phantasm Artist Face – and learn how to overcome it

On this video I speak concerning the final optical illusions that artists need to cope with, and learn how to overcome it.

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37 thoughts on “Final Optical Phantasm Artist Face – and learn how to overcome it”

  1. The colour checker has had an immense impact on me when it comes to training the eyes to see value correctly. This is a subjective topic that's hard to find nice and clear info on the internet.

  2. Numeral uno, in the art (making) world, look more at the subject than the canvas — in this case however, seeing the speaker longer than the canvas does-away with the lesson!!

  3. I paint with acrylics and your techniques work great! I have been painting impressionism for a while now and am hoping to transition to oils in the near future. Your basic oil set looks great!

  4. Colour checking and values … two basic but critical lessons for any artist. OK, I got the message loud and clear … many thanks. Mind you, and I hope this comment is not out of order, I found it a little difficult not to be distracted by the classic beauty of your model.

  5. Hello Mark. I have just now introduced myself to one of your videos. Clarity! Thank you! I have a question. One of my personality traits is that I don't like to have a lot of rules.As you know, this can cause problems with all things creative, specifically painting. IAt times I can begin to paint with no picture, no still life information, etc. I've always felt that this should be one way to work,-just let the painting flow from my imagination. It is a much more difficult option that using nature, objects, or a picture. What do you think?

  6. Amazing…..thanks so very much for another very helpful video from your collection of knowledge and experience!!! Nothing quite like it that I have found.

  7. You cut right to the chase and teach the very important nugget of information that is important to learn. There's no need to try to filter out the essential information from within a 2 hour lesson. I appreciate your brevity combined with the true usefulness of the information you impart.
    Thank you so very much!

  8. Hi Mark,
    You said that one shouldn't paint black canvas, and obviously this video is about something else and you didn't explain. I would like to know why.
    I'm a photographer that does a lot of night photography and I'm just about ready to start painting some of my photographs as practice. Most of my photos are very dark. I thought it would be easier to start with black, then work on mid tones the finish the painting with the highlights. An example:

  9. Will the color checking method work if your model/ reference is on a computer screen? I can't help but suspect that the color/ value will change based on your position.

  10. tengo un grave problema soy español y no se ingles, tengo alguna forma de entender lo que dice?aun asi veo todos sus videos,he constrido tanto en divisor como el buscador del color, pero mi problema es el idioma,hay alguna solucion

  11. hi mark, those dots seem to change their true colours as soon as u put a dark background. to me the dots on the left side are different to the two dots on the right while on top of the skin tone.

  12. I keep a piece of card stock handy and paint sample colors along the edge to hold up next to the reference. My pallet is also a medium grey, so that I have a better idea what colors I'm mixing.

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