How optical illusions trick your brain – Nathan S. Jacobs

How optical illusions trick your brain - Nathan S. Jacobs

View full lesson: Optical illusions are images that seem to trick our minds into seeing something different from what they actually are. But how do they work? Nathan S. Jacobs walks us through a few common optical illusions and explains what these tricks of the eye can tell us about how our brains assemble … Read more

Optical illusions show how we see | Beau Lotto

Optical illusions show how we see | Beau Lotto Beau Lotto’s color games puzzle your vision, but they also spotlight what you can’t normally see: how your brain works. This fun, first-hand look at your own versatile sense of sight reveals how evolution tints your perception of what’s really out there. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances … Read more